Pono Traveler for Employees of Certified Operators
The Hawaiian word “pono” translates to mean “righteousness” or “to do what is right”. Pono Travelers seek to travel sustainably and in a manner that respects the environment and culture of Hawaii.
What Pono Travelers Do
Pono Travelers are STAH members that participate in the recertification process of Certified Sustainable Tour Operators. Pono Travelers conduct evaluations of tour operators and provide constructive feedback from the perspective of a sustainably-minded traveler. They evaluate tours for authenticity, quality of program and information, safety, & enjoyableness.
Become A Pono Traveler
Pono Traveler Evaluation and Reporting
Once confirmed, Pono Travelers complete the following steps:

Register As A Pono Traveler
Pono Traveler Registration For Operator Employees and Contractors

Pono Traveler Webinar

Pono Traveler Webinar Quiz

Submit a Final Report